Factory Kal Gard\'s backed Stadium Kart Mod racer, Trenton Briley took 1st place last weekend at Round 1 of the SXS Stadium Series at Perris Auto Speedway.
"I want to Thank my team Twink, Chris, Randy and of course the guys at Ohlins Suspension for coming all the way out from North Carolina, and getting the Kalgard / Ohlins 507 car all dialed in for this race."The competition was tight, but we got the win! - It was good and we hope to be back at it again in a few weeks at the next event March, 14th, 2009"
Trenton Briley worked hard this round and climbed his way to the podium.
At first he was leading Mitchell Dejong, with lap-times varying between hundredth\'s of a s econd, until he ran into some issues taking him out of his position of first and threw him back into the pack. Connor Hart saw his chance, took it and was in the lead when Trenton climbed back up and got into a head to head battle with Connor Hart, that had crowds ROARING. Finally at the finish line Trenton Briley snatched the win and is stoked to be the point’s leader in the first race of the 2009 season.
KALGARD LUBRICANT\'S: Trenton\'s sponsor and Title Sponsor of the SXS Stadium Series, was represented in full force this weekend! The Kalgard helico pter was on hand giving ride\'s to racer\'s in all 10 classes, and gave out TON\'S of giveaway\'s!
Get out to the races & stop by RB Components - Simply purchase any KALGARD product and be registered to win a ride in the Kalgard Helicopter at selected event\'s
PIT CREW: Twink and Chris Ortiz, Shock Tuning by Randy of Inhouse Suspension and Tony of Ohlin\'s Suspension
SPONSORS: Kal Gard, O’neal, Blur, Makita, KandN air filters, Kray,and Trinity Designs
THANKS: Grandma and Grandpa, Dirt Alliance/M4SX for putting on such an awesome event, Tim at Badseed for those many hours of working behind the len’s, High Performance Helicopters for coming out to run the Kal Gard helicopter and everyone else in the Kal Gard family for their time and support.
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