Sunday on the other hand was a successful weekend for the entire family. Kyle dominated the Pro-4 finishing in 1st place with his father Curt LeDuc close behind in 3rd. Kyle’s victory on Sunday was a major one as he won the famous Borg Warner Cup which means a $40,000 prize and bragging rights for the entire year. Todd LeDuc finished in 4th place in the Pro-2 dropping him back to 2nd place in the overall standing by only 2 points. Kyle LeDuc remains in 2nd place in the Pro-4 standings and Curt LeDuc keeps his 5th place spot.
Rockstar Makita LeDuc has two more weekends of racing left in the TORC series. The next race will be in Perris, CA. September 25th and 26th. These races will be on ESPN2 on October 6th. Don’t forget to cheer on the LeDuc’s as they will be fighting for the top spot in the standings.
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