Where To Buy


Look for this logo on retailers’ sites when purchasing Makita Power Tools online. To read the qualifications required to be an Authorized Online Reseller, click here

White Cap Construction Supply
Tool Up
Home Depot
Acme Tools
Factory Authorized Outlet
Coastal Tool
Tool Orbit
Ace Tool
Tractor Supply Company
Bay Verte Machinery
Max Tool
Burns Power Tools
Beginning November 2, 2009 all Makita Authorized Online Dealers will have a Makita Authorized Online Dealer logo on their website. The logo, as shown below, represents that the dealer complies with Makita’s internet program policy (“policy”). It is Makita’s intent to enhance the experience of the end-user when purchasing Makita products online while reducing any confusion in the market.
Look for one of these Makita Authorized Online Dealer logos
Are you a Makita Authorized Dealer Are you a Makita Authorized Dealer
Makita’s policy maintains the consistent quality expectations from Makita and our Authorized Online Dealers. It is therefore recommended that end-users purchase Makita products only through Makita authorized dealers.
Makita’s Authorized Online Dealers must comply at a minimum with the following requirements:
  1. Makita’s Authorized Online Dealer Logo will be prominently displayed on the dealer’s website
  2. One page on the website will be solely dedicated to Makita products, which is the landing page from Makita’s site, and will be easily accessible from anywhere on the website
  3. The website will have at least a 99% uptime, 24/7, 365 days a year
  4. The website will have a fast load time and good functionality to ensure a timely experience for the user
  5. 80% of the landing page will contain active Makita models and 20% will be allocated for discontinued and clearance models
  6. Most, if not all Makita products offered will be “in stock”
  7. All images of Makita products and logos will be of good quality and the landing page will have a professional look and feel that is visually appealing
  8. The dealer will have a secure server and transaction system
  9. Prominently displayed online privacy policy at least as stringent as Makita’s privacy policy located at www.makitatools.com
  10. Customer service information will be clearly displayed
  11. Shipping policy ensures delivery of Makita product purchased from the website within no more than seven days if the product is in stock
  12. Dealer will comply with all pertinent laws, rules, and regulations including FTC mail order rules
  13. Dealer must have a link to their security and privacy page on the footer of each page